APA 7: Updates to the popular citation style

The American Psychological Association (APA) released the 7th edition of its widely used Publication Manual in the fall of 2019. For those accustomed to the 6th edition of the manual, “APA 7” has made a few notable changes, most of which affect the format of references. For a review of these changes, see below for a comparison of the “old” (6th edition) and “new” (7th edition) rules. The “new rule” is followed by the section of the APA guide where the rule, or a relevant example, is to be found. Print copies of the new APA guide may be found in the reference sections of Peabody Library (on the Writing Reference shelf) and of Central and Law Libraries (under call number BF76.7).

For a list of relevant changes, as well as paper templates and handouts, check out Peabody Library’s APA guide. If you have any questions, please contact a librarian.

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