Web Redevelopment for the Jean and Alexander Heard Library

Changes Coming in July, 2013 to www.library.vanderbilt.edu

What will change?

We’re re-designing pages for the main Heard site and for campus library pages for Central, Divinity, Management, Law, Music, Peabody, Science & Engineering, and Special Collections. The homepage, headers, footers, and navigation will undergo significant revision.


• Campus libraries will be unified with a common look and common core content.
• Navigation to electronic resources will be unified as you navigate from library page to library page.
• Provide more opportunities to identify and connect to subject specialists in the library.

New Library home page
Design for new Library Homepage
Campus Library Homepage
Design for Campus Library Homepage

Will anything remain the same?

Acorn, DiscoverLibrary, other search interfaces are not part of this redesign, so their functionality will remain the same. These interfaces will, however, adopt the newly redesigned headers and footers used throughout the site.

When will the change take place?
We are targeting July 1, 2013 to launch the redesigned site.

What if I have questions?
We welcome your inquiries. Please contact Tracy Primich, Suellen Stringer-Hye, or a library liaison with any questions.

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