The Wilson Music Library now subscribes to two additional, full-text products on the RIPM platform: RIPM Jazz and European and North American Music Periodicals. Vanderbilt users can access these databases… Keep reading
Jacob Schaub
New RIPM Databases
Music Library Summer Hours start May 11
The Music Library will move to summer hours on May 11. Summer hours are Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or by appointment by calling the Music Library… Keep reading
Blair Talks Tech: Digital Scores
Join us on Wednesday, April 21 from 12:40 until 1:30 p.m. for a virtual panel on digital scores. Panelists will discuss their own experiences with using digital scores for performance,… Keep reading
nkoda is now available!
The Wilson Music Library now offers access to nkoda, a digital sheet music app. Blair students, faculty, and staff have access to tens of thousands of scores from some of… Keep reading
Virtual Story Times for Blair Academy Students and Families
The Wilson Music Library is hosting bi-monthly virtual story times for Blair Academy students and their families. At 4:00 p.m. on March 23 and 25, Sara Manus will read Trombone… Keep reading
Requesting Library Materials
Do you need a refresher on how to request books, scores, and equipment for contactless pickup? Check out the video created by Wilson Music Library student employees Riley Borklund, Whit… Keep reading
Music Library Spring Semester Hours
The Wilson Music Library will start Spring Semester on January 25. The hours are: Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Users who are studying remotely or prefer to… Keep reading
Music Library Holiday Hours
The Wilson Music Library’s physical space will be closed Nov. 23-Jan. 18, but all services and resources remain open. Use the libraries’ chat service available through the Music Library’s webpage… Keep reading
Questions about the Music Library? Check out our tutorials!
The Music Library has an expanding collection of video tutorials on a variety of topics. Get a refresher on how to navigate the Music Library’s webpage, learn how to use… Keep reading
Equipment Available for Checkout at the Wilson Music Library
The Wilson Music Library has a variety of audiovisual equipment available for checkout, including microphones (lavalier mics, Shure MV 88 iPhone mics, Snowball USB, and Samsung 2QU/XLR microphone recording and… Keep reading