- Extended Library Hours
Most of the undergraduate libraries are open extended hours for finals. Science & Engineering, Peabody, Central and Divinity libraries will be open 24/7 from April 27 through May 9. Check the hours page for individual library schedules.
- Study Rooms available for booking
You can book library study rooms directly on EMS. Here is information on available study rooms by library, how to request a reservation, and policies for use.
- Quiet spaces
While not all libraries have designated quiet zones, there are some spots in the libraries that are quieter than others. Here is information on quiet study spaces.
- We’re here to help!
Stop by the service desk in any library, and let us know if you’re looking for a quiet or group study space and we will point you in the right direction. You can also let us know if you’re noticing anything disruptive while you’re studying.
- Stress busters May 2 & 3
Take a break from exams and de-stress with baby goats on Library Lawn, Monday, May 2, noon–3 p.m. and therapy dogs at various libraries on Tuesday, May 3, 1–3 p.m.