Climate Fiction

Join Buchanan Library Fellows Amelia Day, Hope Graham, Farrah Hasan, Rae Larrinaga, Chandler Quaile and Julia Tilton this Friday, April 29 at 4 p.m. in Central Library 2nd Floor Gallery for the opening of their exhibit Home Sapiens: Finding Belonging in Climate Fiction.

Humans are “home-sapiens.” Humanity’s need for belonging is fulfilled by a sense of home and is formed by the places people inhabit. City dwellers may imagine the blur of a twinkling skyline that never dims while coastal inhabitants may picture the ever-present sea with waves ebbing and flowing as the tides change. No matter where humankind resides, all are inhabitants of the same Earth, humans’ shared home.

The opening reception includes new music composed for the exhibit by Amelia Day as well as new climate fiction by Farrah Hasan. At the end of the exhibit, visitors are invited to reflect upon their wishes for the world to come.

21st Century Climate Fiction Buchanan Fellowship mentors are Teresa Goddu, Department of English; Carla Beals, Vanderbilt Libraries and Mary Anne Caton, Fine Arts Gallery.

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