The Immortals is set in an infamous neighborhood of Port-au-Prince, on Grand-Rue, where many women, young and old, trade in flesh, sex, and desire. We learn, in glimpses and fragments, about the lives of women who fall in love with the moving images of television, the romance of a novel, and the dreams of escape. In his first novel, Makenzy Orcel ultimately asks: What becomes of these women, their lives, their stories, their desires, and their whims when a violent earthquake brings the capital city and its brothels to their knees?
In this conversation between Makenzy Orcel and Nathan H. Dize (French and Italian), we will discuss the genesis of The Immortals, its legacy eleven years after its publication, the themes it discusses and engenders, and the future of Haitian literature. The event will be in French.
This event is sponsored by the WT Bandy Center for Baudelaire and Modern French Studies and the Department of French and Italian.
The conversation is February 16, 2021 at 11:00 am CST. Please register with Nathan H. Dize.