Additional Open Access (OA) content is now discoverable via new Unpaywall links in the Library Catalog. Unpaywall harvests OA content from legal sources including repositories run by universities, governments, and scholarly societies, as well as open content hosted by publishers themselves.
The Unpaywall functionality has recently been added to Alma and will appear as links in the View Online section of records that have Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). Please note you are most likely to see Unpaywall links when you select “Add results beyond Vanderbilt”. After clicking on a search result, the Unpaywall tool triggers a quick look-up and will present users with a link to any full-text it finds. If no full-text is found, the user can proceed to request via Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
In the following example, I signed into the catalog to searched “agency of greek and roman statues from homer to Constantine” and expanded my results beyond Vanderbilt. There are two records for the article. The first record does not contain a DOI so the Faculty Delivery and ILL options appear. The second record does contain a DOI so the Unpaywall link appears instead.