Creating a Screencast Using Kaltura Capture for Remote Instruction

What is Kaltura Capture and how can it be used for remote instruction? Kaltura Capture allows users to record their screens, webcam, microphone, and computer audio. It’s a great resource for anyone leveraging video to teach, learn, collaborate, and more.

The Center for Teaching recommends using Kaltura, which is built into Brightspace, for screencasts. If you have access to Brightspace, here is a step-by-step guide on how to use Kaltura Capture. If you need access to Brightspace, please contact

Once the video is made, you can copy an embed code provided with the finished video and use it to add an embedded video player on your own web page or LibGuide.

Creating a screencast like this gives you several options. It can be used as an alternative for people who can’t attend a live session. It also makes it possible to “flip” the lesson, with participants watching the video first, then attending an online Q&A session using Zoom or Microsoft Teams where they can get personal help from you.

If you make the video with sufficient resolution, your users can watch it in the embedded viewer. However, they can also display it as full screen. The videos also render fairly well on phones and tablets, which is a nice feature of Kaltura. If you want to see how the video looks, visit .


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