Blair Course Support in the Music Library

Need Music and Video Content for Your Online Courses? The VU Libraries Have You Covered!

If you are looking for video or music content to add to your BrightSpace courses, check out our latest research guide: You will find a comprehensive list of the subscription streaming audio and video databases maintained by the VU Libraries, along with brief descriptions of the content included.

Virtual Instruction and Reference:

Sara Manus is available to provide instruction sessions for your students. She can join your class to teach virtually, and can also set up individual consultations with students. We will continue to offer reference service via e-mail, and we have set-up chat reference on the Music Library’s homepage. Chat will be monitored between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. We can also consult over Skype.

Music Course Reserves:

Michael Jones is available to help you add course reserves to your Brightspace courses. If multiple students need access to an e-book, we can easily increase the number of users that can access a title. Michael can also add audiovisual content not available from our databases.

Sara Manus:
Michael Jones:

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