Librarians Can Help Providers Improve Clinical Decision-Making & Education

Dr. Hageman the Pediatric Annals’ Editor-in-Chief  wrote a very informative editorial on how medical librarians play a key role in healthcare. A summary of his piece is below.

Medical librarians play an essential role as members of the healthcare team.  They directly impact the quality of patient care by helping physicians, allied health professionals and researchers keep current with the literature in their respective areas, and they play an active role in medical education.  Medical librarians are specialized in using databases and other information resources to search for medical information, and they also work behind the scenes with publishers, vendors, and IT to keep electronic journals, eBooks, and databases operating smoothly.  In addition, they provide research consultation services and assistance with systematic reviews.

To read the full article please use this link

If are interested in learning about any of the resources mentioned or services offered by your Eskind Biomedical Librarians please contact us.

Full Citation: Hageman J. Medical Librarians Can Help Providers Improve Clinical Decision-Making and Education. Pediatr Ann. 2019; 48: e49-e50. doi: 10.3928/19382359-20190116-01 [link]


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