From the Director’s Chair – 10/25/18

October is National Medical Librarians Month. I’ve been a very proud Medical Librarian for 13 years. In that time, I’ve been fortunate to work at two very dynamic academic medical centers and have grown personally and professionally beyond my imagination. I am also extremely grateful for the relationships created with many co-workers and colleagues throughout the nation. On behalf on my profession, I can emphatically state how excited and committed all medical librarians and medical library staff are in supporting and engaging with the health sciences community as we all work to train the next generations of practitioners, researchers, and educators.

Patricia Brennan, Director of the National Library of Medicine, wrote a beautiful article recognizing our contributions in her weekly blog.


Philip Walker, MLIS, MSHI
Annette and Irwin Eskind Family Biomedical Library and Learning Center
Vanderbilt University 


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