Library Renovation Update, February 22

Work on the Student Study Lounge project on the 8th floor has begun!

The demolition area is behind the 8th floor construction partition surrounding the Flowers wing elevators (21st street side).

For the duration of the project:

  • 8th floor book stacks will remain accessible via the Old Wing (Library Lawn side) elevators and stairs.
  • Access via stairwells and elevators in the Flowers wing (21st Street side) will stop at the 7th floor.
  • 8th floor restrooms will be inaccessible.

NOTE: Center elevators will not serve the 8th floor for the duration of the construction project.  Please use stairs or elevators in the Old Wing (toward the Library Lawn) to access 8th floor collections and offices.

Please expect noise.  Earplug dispensers can be found throughout the building.

The 8th floor Student Study Lounge should be completed by the end of this semester. We appreciate your support while we renovate the library!

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