Buchanan Library Fellows program now accepting applications

The Buchanan Library Fellows program supports hands-on student learning opportunities that build desirable skills and deepen students’ understanding of resources and services in the Jean and Alexander Heard Libraries. With a focus on undergraduate instruction, the program connects faculty and professional librarians with students to work on experiential library projects and present their work at the end of their fellowship.

image of student on computer with the words Buchanan Library Fellowship

‘All That Glitters’ exhibit continues at Special Collections and University Archives

Gilded treasures belonging to university founder Cornelius Vanderbilt, a shipping and railroad magnate and one of the wealthiest Americans of the 19th century, are among the items featured in All That Glitters: Silver and Gold at Vanderbilt, currently on display at the Jean and Alexander Heard Libraries’ Special Collections and University Archives.

This 24-karat engraved gold house was an anniversary gift to Cornelius Vanderbilt from his wife, Sophia, in 1863. Goldsmith unknown; New York, 1863. (Vanderbilt University Memorabilia Collection)