All Vanderbilt Libraries Are Closed

In keeping with the Metro Public Health Department’s Safer at Home Order — directing all residents of Nashville and Davidson County to stay inside their homes, and immediately limit all… Keep reading

covid 19 molecules

Expanded Live Chat Now Available

Students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members are encouraged to ask questions through the Ask a Librarian service. As we shift our priorities to remote instruction, the libraries have recently expanded … Keep reading

Live Chat text

New Guide to Streaming Databases

As we are preparing to transition to support for online teaching and learning, the libraries have created a new guide that lists the subscription video and audio databases supplied by… Keep reading

bank of streaming videos

Due Dates Are Changing

In order to accommodate those who are going home early but need to hold on to library books in order to finish a project, the due date for all regular… Keep reading

shelves of books