The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Financial Times available to VU Community

Reading award-winning news stories in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and the Financial Times is as easy as clicking on the News Desk portal on the Jean and Alexander Heard Libraries homepage and setting up your free access through Vanderbilt’s subscription.

Three other buttons on the portal connect to the Vanderbilt Television News Archive, a research guide to other news sources available through the libraries’ subscription databases, and a research guide with tools for determining news accuracy and objectivity.

Opening an account takes only a couple of minutes. Subscriptions to The Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times are activated via the radio button on the News Desk. Once signing in with a VUNetID and password, you will be asked to complete the registration form, and then you will be logged in with full access to

To take immediate advantage of your The New York Times subscription, go to the News Desk portal on the libraries’ main page or follow the instructions in a welcome email you will receive from

Our own Vanderbilt Television News Archive is one of the premier sources for archival footage of news broadcasts for the past 50+ years from ABC, CBS and NBC. An amazing resource worth discovering, if you have not already!


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