In September 2021, staff from the Digital Scholarship and Communications team at the Vanderbilt Libraries led an online workshop for the Digital Commons titled “Understanding and Enhancing Your Research Impact” as part of our Digital Presence series. The session was recorded and highlights have been made available on the Digital Commons YouTube channel, and embedded below.
In the following video, Steven Baskauf, data science and data curation specialist at the Vanderbilt Libraries, describes why an Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) is useful, how to sign up for an ORCID, and how ORCIDs are being used in the academic research community.
In the video below, Andrew Wesolek, director of digital scholarship & scholarly communications at the Vanderbilt Libraries, describes several ways academic research impact is measured (journal impact factors, the author h-index, altmetrics, and more) and offers suggestions for increasing those measures.