The VUSM WikiMed AE was a month-long elective focused on improving Wikipedia by contributing high quality medicine-related content. Seven 4th year medical students made major contributions to Wikipedia, while learning about medical Wikis. This elective brought together staff from EBL (Philip Walker), VU Libraries (Mary Anne Caton), and UCSF faculty for a unique, exciting, and productive month. Dr. Jeremy Warner taught the course as part of his FAME Fellowship. He plans to repeat it in Fall 2020 for 4th-year medical students.
- 24,300 words added to medicine-related pages
- 209 references added
- 183,000 total views over the course of the month.
- Wikipedia pages: Bronchiectasis, Coronary Artery Dissection, Hypoalbuminemia, Blue Baby Syndrome, AV Block, Alternative Cancer Treatments, Circulatory Shock