The News as It Happened: Journalism in Vanderbilt’s Special Collections – Fall 2018

This exhibition will be curated by a cohort of Buchanan Library Fellows and their librarian mentors.

Black and white image of a mother and three children photographed by Jack CornVanderbilt’s Libraries are proud to be the place of record of journalists and newspaper editors whose actions broke news of national importance. From Jim Squires’ decision to publish the Pentagon Papers in the Chicago Tribune to Kathy Sawyer’s coverage of the Challenger disaster, news reporters and their editors carry a responsibility to provide unbiased, timely news. Today, that duty could not be more relevant or important. This fall semester fellowship examined key figures in the world of journalism whose papers are housed in Vanderbilt University’s Special Collections. Fellows worked collaboratively to produce a physical and interactive exhibit focusing on the contributions made by these writers.

Online Exhibition: The News as It Happened: Journalism in Vanderbilt’s Special Collections

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