On December 20th, 32 library databases will migrate to a new and more powerful ProQuest platform. The affected databases are now hosted by ProQuest, CSA and Chadwyck Healey and include two music databases: International Index to Music Periodicals (IIMP) and RILM.
The new ProQuest platform will include the following:
- The search tools are stronger; eventually, you will be able to search multiple databases at the same time.
- The interface is flexible; we can have individual links to subject specific databases.
- The database is smarter; it is able to predict your search as you type.
- The platform provides new opportunities for research collaborations with shared lists and social networking tools.
- All of this is designed to save you time and to improve your search experience and results.
For more detailed information about the forthcoming changes visit http://bit.ly/9m8cen
Sara Beutter Manus will be offering two workshops for music students and faculty to demonstrate the new features of the platform:
- Thursday, January 20, 12:10-1 PM
- Thursday, January 27, 12:10-1 PM
Location: Music Library Seminar Room.
If these days/times are not convenient for you, Sara is available by appointment (2-8686).